Xbee USB Adapter (FTDI Ready)
The upgraded DFRobot Xbee USB adapter is designed for the XBee module configuration parameters to facilitate using or to work as a FTDI writer. The new version of Xbee USB adapter is also welded with the female pin for FTDI so that users can directly use the adapter as a FTDI program writer, such as Arduino FIO/pro/mini、lilypad Arduino and so on. It’s a must-have for interactive electronic installations and projects.
Version Upgrade: New Version has replaced MiniUSB port with Micro USB port.
- ESP8266 Wifi Bee (Arduino Compatible)
- Xbee USB adapter (FTDI ready)
- EcoDuino – An Auto Planting Kit
ESP8266 Arduino Programming Tutorial – DFRobot.com
DFRduino UNO R3
Xbee USB adapter (FTDI ready)
IO Expansion Shield for Arduino (V6)
USB Cable A-B for Arduino
Mini USB cable
- Used for the XBee module configuration parameters
- Easily connected to a PC via micro USB cable
- XBee-setting support software X-CTU
- Also used as a USB-TTL adapter
- Voltage: +5V(USB Power)
- Schematic
- Xbee configuration tutorial
- Arduino xbee library
Shipping List
- Xbee USB Adapter x1