Pico Decker (Quad Expander)
Quadruplicate your GPIO pins and attach up to four add-ons to a single Raspberry Pi Pico with our formidable Pico Decker expander board!
Struggling to choose between Pico add-ons? Mix and match up an epic stack of functionality and plug in up to four Pico Packs or Bases at once*, or use the four sets of fully labelled male GPIO pins to easily attach other devices, jumper wires or circuitry – very useful for prototyping. We’ve also included some little rubber feet to keep everything solid, four M2.5 mounting holes and some particularly whimsical Routemaster bus inspired artwork on the back 🚌
If you’re after something a little more compact, we also make a two-slot Pico Omnibus.
A Raspberry Pi Pico is not included – click here if you’d like to buy one!
Your Pico will need to have male headers soldered to it (with the pins pointing downwards) to attach to our add-on boards (or grab a pre-soldered Pico here)
- One landing area with labelled female headers for attaching to your Pico.
- Four landing areas with labelled (mirrored) male headers for attaching add-ons.
- 4x M2.5 mounting holes.
- 4x rubber feet
- Compatible with Raspberry Pi Pico.
- 99% assembled – just need to stick on the feet!
- No soldering required.
- Dimensions: approx 148mm x 52mm x 13mm (L x W x H, including feet and headers)
- * You’ll need to check for data pin conflicts when using multiple Pico add-ons – we’d recommend using pinout.xyz or checking the shop page for the add-on in question!
- * If you need to plumb a Pico Base into Pico Decker, you’ll probably want to do it via some jumper wires to keep things manageable and to stop everything from being quite so upside-down!
- The Pico Packs shown in the photo are not included.