Etched Glow-Through Keycap with LGTM (Looks Good To Me) Acronym (MX Compatible Switches)
Why use many words when less is just as good? Save yourself some typing and approve PR’s with a click of a button thanks to this super-classy and custom-made LGTM Etched Keycap.
It’s made with a translucent/opaque plastic that is etched to create an elegant glow-through effect. Perfect to complement your effortless collaborative reviews.
Snaps onto any Cherry MX or compatible switch. It’s R4 profile so will work nicely as a stand-alone key or at the top row of your keyboards.
More etched glow keycaps available here!
Note: This product is a single keycap, and key switches are not included!
Technical Details
Single keycap dimensions:
- Top: 14mm
- Height: 11.6mm
- Base: 18mm