Accessories Kit for Sequent I/O Learning HAT
The I/O Accessories Kit contains six cable assemblies which allow you to experiment with the I/O interfaces of the Sequent Learning HAT for the Raspberry Pi (available separately).
The Node-RED tutorial includes descriptions of each interface, teaching you how to interact with it without writing a single line of code. Command line and Python drivers are also available for each assembly.
Each accessory comes pre-wired with a connector plug. Simply plug it into the corresponding port and run the software.
- I/O Accessories Kit for the Sequent I/O Learning HAT
- Includes:
- ON-OFF-ON Switch
- Thermistor
- Photoresistor
- Potentiometer
- RS485 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- Micromotor
Kit Contents
ON-OFF-ON Switch
The switch can be used to demonstrate how to read the contact closure inputs.
The thermistor can be used to measure ambient temperature using the 0-10V input.
The photoresistor will let you measure light. You can use it to turn lights on at dark, to see when somebody enters a room, or for any application which needs light. It can be read also with the 0-10V input.
Used also with the 0-10V input, the potentiometer will let you simulate the analog output of a sensor which you can display in Node-RED.
RS485 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
The sensor requires two connectors, one with 2 pins going to the RS485 data port and one with 3 pins going into the 4-20mA input port for power. Use Node-RED to read ambient temperature and humidity.
Plug the micromotor into the MOTOR port and use Node-RED to control the speed and direction. Use it with a SERVO connected to the 6 pin header (SERVO not included) and build a small robot driven by Raspberry Pi.