Showing 1–12 of 111 results

24GHz mmWave Sensor – Human Static Presence Module (Lite) Online Sale

Original price was: $7.50.Current price is: $3.75.
24GHz mmWave Sensor – Human Static Presence Module (Lite) This radar has multiple functions in one device which are customisable

30-Channel Ethernet Relay Module with PoE Online now

Original price was: $63.80.Current price is: $25.52.
30-Channel Ethernet Relay Module with PoE This 30-channel relay module allows you to manage multiple devices simultaneously through a single

4-Channel Analog to 12C 13.2 Module 4-20mA Input (ST32G030) Supply

Original price was: $24.10.Current price is: $12.05.
4-Channel Analog to 12C 13.2 Module 4-20mA Input (ST32G030) The 4-Channel Analog to 12C 13.2 Module is a quad-channel 4~20mA

8 Channel Ethernet Relay Module (PoE) Sale

Original price was: $39.20.Current price is: $15.68.
8 Channel Ethernet Relay Module (PoE) The 8-channel Ethernet Relay Module is a versatile and robust control device designed for

8 Channel PoE Ethernet Relay Module (B) with Digital Inputs on Sale

Original price was: $44.40.Current price is: $17.76.
8 Channel PoE Ethernet Relay Module (B) with Digital Inputs This module has eight relay channels and eight digital inputs

Adafruit 6-pin AVR ISP Breadboard Adapter Mini Kit on Sale

Original price was: $0.90.Current price is: $0.45.
Adafruit 6-pin AVR ISP Breadboard Adapter Mini Kit Programming AVR?Always Googling the pinout?Well, now no longer! It’s rare to find

Adafruit ANO Rotary Navigation Encoder Breakout PCB Online Sale

Original price was: $1.50.Current price is: $0.75.
Adafruit ANO Rotary Navigation Encoder Breakout PCB The ANO rotary encoder wheel is a funky user interface element is reminiscent

Adafruit ANO Rotary Navigation Encoder to I2C Stemma QT Adapter Sale

Original price was: $4.80.Current price is: $2.40.
Adafruit ANO Rotary Navigation Encoder to I2C Stemma QT Adapter The ANO rotary encoder wheel is a funky user interface

Adafruit ATECC608 Breakout Board – STEMMA QT / Qwiic Online

Original price was: $4.80.Current price is: $2.40.
Adafruit ATECC608 Breakout Board – STEMMA QT / Qwiic You’ve got secrets, and you want to keep them safe? Most

Adafruit Chainable DS18B20 Extender Breakout – STEMMA JST PH 2mm Online

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $2.50.
Adafruit Chainable DS18B20 Extender Breakout – STEMMA JST PH 2mm One of the perks of working at adafruit is you

Adafruit DS2482S-800 8 Channel I2C to 1-Wire Bus Adapter – STEMMA QT / Qwiic Discount

Original price was: $19.20.Current price is: $9.60.
Adafruit DS2482S-800 8 Channel I2C to 1-Wire Bus Adapter – STEMMA QT / Qwiic This is a DS2482S-800 Stemma QT

Adafruit DS2484 I2C to 1-Wire Bus Adapter Breakout – STEMMA QT / Qwiic JST SH 1mm Supply

Original price was: $8.30.Current price is: $4.15.
Adafruit DS2484 I2C to 1-Wire Bus Adapter Breakout – STEMMA QT / Qwiic JST SH 1mm By customer request, this