Cytron Prototyping Shield for Arduino
Cytron’s Arduino Proto Shield offers maximum prototyping area within the standard Arduino UNO dimensions and on-board extras!
This shield comes fully assembled and features 4 rows of stackable headers and onboard SMD components – an LED, push-button and resistor soldered on the well-labelled PCB.
Great for making more permanent versions of your own project, or just for creating your very own shield!
- Standard 0.1” X 0.1” prototyping area
- Stackable headers
- Reset button
- One LED for use as power or output indicator
- Every pin is extended out to two sides of the headers
- GND and +5V rails
- 4 screw holes for easy mounting on Arduino
- Pre-assembled – no soldering required (apart from adding your own components of course!)
- Dimensions: 68.58mm x 58.42mm
Note: The Cytron Protoshield has been revised to be UNO R3 and Leonardo compatible (including the Maker UNO. Cytron have also prepared the pads for ISP.