Pycom Pysense [Discontinued]
Give your Pycom board feelings and senses with this fancy new Pysense shield. The Pysense is an add-on daughterboard that will make environmental sensor projects a breeze. Not only do you get a wide range of sensors but it even comes with a micro SD card holder so you can log data easily, and a battery connector with charger to take it on the go.
This shield works with all PyCom boards (LoPy, WiPy 2, WiPy 3, etc) and each contains a number of sensors!
- Ambient light sensor
- Barometric pressure sensor
- Humidity sensor
- 3 axis 12-bit accelerometer
- Temperature sensor
- USB port with serial access
- LiPo battery charger
- MicroSD card compatibility
- Ultra low power operation (~1uA in deep sleep)
- External header for 5 additional GPIO
Use with Pybytes
Crafted by a group of Pycom back-end experts, the Pybytes platform will be everything there needs to be in place to gather, organize, and display your data free of charge in the cloud. Regardless of whether you are a company, IoT system architect, or an ambitious tech hobbyist, it’ll soon get you connected.
Technical Details
- Dimensions: 55mm x 35mm x 10mm
- Weight: 11g (Standalone)
For product support you can contact Pycom here.
- Pinout Diagram
- Technical Specifications